Extraction, isolation and identification of bioactive compounds of Turbinaria ornata (Turner)
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Extraction, isolation and identification of bioactive compounds of Turbinaria ornata (Turner)
In the present study of investigation suggest the Turbinaria ornata is tropical brown algae of the order fucales native to coral reef ecosystem of the south pacific. Turbinaria ornata is more commonly referred to as crowed sea bells in the US and crowned sea bells worldwide. In the present study, the active substances in the methanolic extract of Turbinaria ornata were analyzed using FTIR, TLC, and UV-VIS spectroscopy. The FTIR analysis revealed the presence of 18 compounds of recognized such as N-H Stretching vibrations primary, free two bands, Amides, O–H stretch, H–bonded, Alcohols, Phenols, O–H stretch, Carboxylic acids, C-H stretching, Alkane, C-H Stretching vibrations and bonds, Aldehydes, C-H Stretching, Alkane, S-H Stretching vibrations, sulfur compounds , sulfoxides, –C≡C– stretch, Alkynes, C≡N Stretching vibrations, isocyanide, Unsaturated Nitrogen Compounds, C≡N Stretching vibrations, isocyonides, C‒C Multiple bond stretching, Alkene, disubstituted, gem, C–C stretch (in–ring), Aromatics, C–H bend, Alkanes, C–N stretch, Aliphatic amines, Sulfur compounds, S=O Stretching vibrations, sulfoxides, Amines, C‒N Vibration, Aliphatic, –C ≡ C–H: C–H bend, Alkynes each showing significant peaks. The phytochemical compounds of flavonoid and phenol were identified may be by TLC from the methanolic extract of Turbinaria ornata. The bioactive compounds of flavonoid and phenol which was indicated for maximum amount of secondary metabolites in the Turbinaria ornata were estimated by UV-VIS spectroscopic analysis were confirmed.
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J. Agardh, S. Parathasarathi, M. Jeyaraj (2024), Extraction, isolation and identification of bioactive compounds of Turbinaria ornata (Turner); IJB, V25, N6, December, P500-505
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