Factors affecting farmer empowerment in rice marketing

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Research Paper 07/02/2024
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Factors affecting farmer empowerment in rice marketing

Luthfi Fatah, Tuti Heiriyani, Muhammad Husaini
Int. J. Biosci.24( 2), 77-88, February 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Rice farming in Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency has developed quite well in its production, however, in terms of marketing; farmers need a support that provides a better bargaining position and creating a promising level of profit.  This research aims to analyzing the level of farmer empowerment for rice marketing and analyzing the relationship between marketing factors and farmer empowerment for rice marketing in Hamayung Village, Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency.  The research results show that the level of farmer empowerment for rice marketing is classified as moderate. Apart from that, from several marketing factors analyzed, based on the results of this research, the ability to determine markets, the ability to study demand and the ability to determine prices have a significant relationship with the level of farmer empowerment. Meanwhile, the ability to plan products and promotional marketing communication does not have a significant relationship with the level of farmer empowerment.


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