Factors associated with snuff dipper’s lesion among snuff users in Peshawar, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/01/2019
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Factors associated with snuff dipper’s lesion among snuff users in Peshawar, Pakistan

Zarghuna Zeb, Irfan Ali Khan, Sahib Zada
Int. J. Biosci.14( 1), 112-120, January 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Among smokeless tobacco (SLT), snuff is mostly used SLT in Peshawar and associated with Snuff dipper’s lesion (SDL). This study was aimed to investigate the association of socio-demographic and other factors with snuff dipper’s lesions. This cross-sectional study was carried out in district Peshawar, Pakistan. Total of 224 snuff dippers were included in this study. The sampling technique employed was convenient sampling. Subjects using snuff and having snuff dippers lesions diagnosed by their physicians were only included in this study, while all other types of lesions were excluded. The study was carried through a proforma sheet which intended to know the age, education, type of snuff, history of snuff use, duration of snuff contact with oral mucosa, and grading of the lesion identified by physician. The age range of patients suffered with snuff dipper’s lesion was from 15-76 years. The SDL frequency was higher in males as compared to females. Among all the subjects, 92 (37.7%) were educated and 154 (62.3%) were uneducated. The mean value of the history of snuff usage in years was found to be 12.4+11.1.The most frequent grade of lesion was found to be the grade 1 (n=93, 38.1%). Mean duration of the snuff contact with oral mucosa was reported to be 5.87+2.5 minutes. The common type of snuff used by patients in this study was loose snuff. This study recommends further prospective studies to include histopathological changes and association of other factors with snuff dipper’s lesions.


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