Factors influencing the adoption of biological control technology against the pearl millet head miner in the Southern band of Niger
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Factors influencing the adoption of biological control technology against the pearl millet head miner in the Southern band of Niger
Millet, Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br. provides the main food supply for the Sahelian populations. The pearl millet head miner (MHM) Heliocheilus albipunctella De Joannis is one of the main pests of this cereal crop. Biological control with augmentative releases of the ectoparasite Habrobracon hebetor Say is one of the methods advocated in recent years to protect crops. This study was conducted in the regions of Dosso, Maradi and Zinder to assess farmers’ perception of this ecological technology and to determine the factors influencing its adoption. It covered six (6) communes including Guéchémé, Doutchi, Chadakori, Sherkin Hausa, Droum and Bandé. A questionnaire was administered to 360 producers who had benefited from the technology and were randomly selected from 24 villages. The results showed that 85% of the respondents appreciated biological control, with an adoption rate of 63%. The analyses with the Logit model revealed the socio-economic determinants of the adoption of biological control. These are mainly: a) level of education; b) incidence of millet earworm; c) yield after the release of parasitoids; d) effectiveness of parasitoids in managing millet earworm populations; e) reduction of losses; f) social peace; g) access to credit, and h) family burden.
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Issaka Hamidine, Sitou Lawali, Moctar Rabé Mahamane, Ibrahim Boukary Baoua (2022), Factors influencing the adoption of biological control technology against the pearl millet head miner in the Southern band of Niger; IJB, V21, N5, November, P246-260
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