Factors influencing the use of mobile phone as an information source for vegetable growers: A Case of Dera Ghazi Khan, Punjab, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/12/2020
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Factors influencing the use of mobile phone as an information source for vegetable growers: A Case of Dera Ghazi Khan, Punjab, Pakistan

Syed Mufeed Hadi Naqvi, Badar Naseem Siddiqui, Syeda Amna Huda Naqvi, Muhammad Irfan
Int. J. Biosci.17( 6), 139-146, December 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


This study is conducted to determine the factors influencing the use of mobile phone as an information source for vegetable growers in Dera Ghazi Khan. It aimed at addressing some important questions like: (a) How the use of mobile phone enable farmers to obtain information? (b) What are the major problems in adopting mobile phone as an information source? (c) What are those factors that influence the adoption of mobile phone? Specific objectives of this study was to determine the influence of demographic factors on usage of mobile phone. A simple random techniques were adopted for data collection and total 120 respondents were interviewed for obtaining data and information. Data collected were summarized, coded and analyzed by using SPSS. The study found that, most (44.2%) of the respondents were middle-aged, educated (76.7%) and having their own agricultural land (58.3%). Study also found that with the exception of average annual income and size of land holding, all other variables i.e age, education, tenancy status and area under vegetable cultivation were statistically significant at (ρ ≤ 0.001), suggesting that these factors influenced the usage of mobile phone as an information source for obtaining information regarding vegetable production to respondents of the present study. Out dated information, little awareness of mobile phone, electricity, not in local language, no guidance, reluctance to quit traditional practices and weak linkage with agricultural research institute were the main constraints in adopting mobile phone as an information tool.


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