Factors linked to sustained virological response rates during antiviral therapy in chronic hepatitis-C patients from slums of Islamabad

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Factors linked to sustained virological response rates during antiviral therapy in chronic hepatitis-C patients from slums of Islamabad

Asad Zia, Muhammad Ali, Sohail Akhtar, Muhammad Zia, Abida Raza
Int. J. Biosci.10( 4), 354-362, April 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Human genetic and viral factors are the key factors correlated with treatment response and spontaneous clearness of HCV infections. In the current study, we investigate the possible correlation of HCV-3a genotype, viral load, host age, gender and IL28B (rs12979860) polymorphism with interferon plus ribavirin treatment. Sixty seven chronic HCV patients were selected for the current study to assess the dependence of treatment out-comes in patients undergoing combination therapy (IFN plus RBV). Patients with age ≥16 years, both gender males and females, having no co-infection with HBV or HIV, no liver complications e.g. (cirrhosis, fibrosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma) were included in the study. Twenty HCV infected patients were excluded from the study who did not qualify the criteria. Of the remaining sixty seven, 37 (55.22%) were female and 30 (44.77%) were male. For HCV genotyping, from the serum viral RNA was extracted and for host genetic factor IL28B (rs12979860) polymorphism was assessed, for this purpose, whole blood was used for extraction of genomic DNA, PCR amplification of 694 bp of IL28B (rs12979860) was carried out followed by IL28B typing by restriction fragment length polymorphism. We found dominated HCV genotype (HCV-3a) 62.68% (42/67) in slums of Islamabad followed by HCV-1a 26.86% (18/67) and 10.44% (7/67) were infected with untypable. For IL28B we found three types of polymorphism in rs12979860, the most prevalent polymorphism among the present study patricians is CC (81.57%) followed by CT (55.55%) while CT (9%) were rarely found. The SVR was significantly higher in patients with CC polymorphism at IL28B (rs12979860) ( and is not effected by other host factors such as gender (p= 0.035), age (p= 0.352).

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