Fertility enhancing effects of aqueous extract of leaves of Cnestis ferruginea Vahl ex De Cantolle on female wistar rats

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Fertility enhancing effects of aqueous extract of leaves of Cnestis ferruginea Vahl ex De Cantolle on female wistar rats

Zougrou N’guessan Ernest, Blahi Adélaïde Nadia, D’Almeida Marie-Anne, Kouakou Koffi
Int. J. Biosci.9( 6), 79-91, December 2016.
Certificate: IJB 2016 [Generate Certificate]


Cnestis ferruginea (Connaraceae) is one of the plants used as a therapeutic agent in many cultures in tropical Africa. To evaluate the pharmacological effects of the aqueous extract of C. ferruginea on reproductive parameters of female rats. Selected regular cycle female rats were randomized into 2 sets of 18 each and treated for 15 (set I) and 30 days (set II). Each set was then divided equally into three groups. Group 1 (control) was orally administered with distilled water once a day. Group 2 and 3 were respectively treated with 50 and 100 mg/kg body weight. Estrous cycle pattern was monitored before and during plant extract application whereas reproductive organs and reproductive hormones were determined at the end of each treatment. C. ferruginea induced a blockage of the estrous cycle at the estrous phase. Thus, animals treated showed highly significant increase (p<0.001) in the duration of estrous phase. AECF50 induced significant increase in the wet weight of ovary (42.690±4.21), p<0.05 and (44.470±922), p<0.001 and uterus (79.030±8.07), p<0.05 and (80.320±1.140), p<0.001 after 15 and 30 days of treatment respectively. Whereas, AECF100, induce only a significant increase (39.000±1.588, p<0.01) in the wet weight of ovary after 30 days treatment. For the dry weight, only AECF50 induced a significant increase (0.032±0.002, p<0.05) in the weight of uterus. For both duration of treatment and both treatment group, extract produced significant increase in serum concentration of FHS (p<0.001), LH (p<0.01), estradiol (p<0.01). Extract produced significant increase (p<0.01) in serum concentration of prolactin after 30 days treatment. The present study suggests that the extract of Cnestis ferruginea could contain estrogenic compounds favourable to fertility optimization.


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