Fertilizer recommendation for sesame-fallow-T. aman cropping sequence in saline areas of Bangladesh

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Research Paper 01/04/2017
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Fertilizer recommendation for sesame-fallow-T. aman cropping sequence in saline areas of Bangladesh

A. B. M. M. Hasan, S. M. Rasel, M. U. Ahmed, N. H. Khan, M. Mehnaz, M. E. Rahman, S. M. Shamsuzzaman
Int. J. Biosci.10( 4), 191-198, April 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Balance use of fertilizer nutrients, soil test based (STB) fertilizer recommendation and monitoring the soil and water salinity is needed to enhance the crop production in saline soil.  An experiment was conducted to determine the fertilizer requirement of Sesame (BARI Til-4) – Fallow – T. Aman (BR23 rice) cropping sequence in saline soils of coastal region. Eight Treatments were formulated by 25% increased or decreased of N, P and K with100% soil test based (STB) fertilizers. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 3 replications. The results revealed that seed yield of sesame (BARI Til-4) and grain yield of T. Aman (BR23 rice) were significantly influenced due to different treatments. The highest seed yield of sesame (3.07 t ha-1) and grain yields of BR23 rice (5.26 t ha-1) were obtained in the treatment of 25% more NPK with 100% STB fertilizers. Application of  100% STB fertilizers + 25%NPK  were also increased capsule plant-1, seeds capsule-1, 1000 seed weight and stover yield of sesame( BARI Till-4) and effective tillers hill-1, panicle length, filled grains panicle-1 and 1000 grain weight and straw yield of BR23 rice in comparison to control and 100% STB fertilizers treatment. Considering the yield components, seed of BARI Til-4 and grain yields of BR23 rice, 25% increase of N, P and K chemical fertilizers in STB fertilizer doses might be recommended for Sesame (BARI Til-4) – Fallow – T. Aman (BR23 rice) cropping pattern in saline areas of coastal belt.


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