Field validation of DNDC model for simulating greenhouse gas emissions from rice soils of Kedah, Malaysia through DNDC Model

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Field validation of DNDC model for simulating greenhouse gas emissions from rice soils of Kedah, Malaysia through DNDC Model

Rabail Gandahi, M.Y. Khanif, A.W. Gandahi, M.M. Hanafi
Int. J. Biosci.7( 6), 42-56, December 2015.
Certificate: IJB 2015 [Generate Certificate]


The laboratory and Denitrification and Decomposition (DNDC) model for assessment of greenhouse gas emission (GHG) and model validation was accurate for Kedah Malaysia as the farmers grow paddy in two seasons and apply nitrogen (N) at 280 kg N ha-1 year-1 by splitting twice as well. In the first and second seasons, the crop received 1735.39 and 1507.15 kg C ha-1 with 44 and 41 C:N ratio observed from harvested straw. The simulated input of yearly C balance was 3242.5, 366.5 and 2508.6 kg C ha-1 year-1 through rice straw, crop residues and roots, respectively which contributed 4674.9 kg C ha-1 year-1 SOC with decline of -3.3 kg C ha-1 year-1 CH4 emission. The yearly DNDC simulation for CO2 flux rate was 4675 kg C ha-1 and 932.8 kg ha-1 year-1 recording -3 CH4 flux. The Global Warming Potential (GWP) for CO2 flux was 17141 kg CO2-eq ha-1, N2O 454412 kg CO2-eq ha-1. However, CH4 was found as sink. Bulk of all these gases had 471460 kg CO2-eq ha-1 net GWP. The uncertainties for future forecast were measured through DNDC by N rates (20% less than recommended, recommended N, and 20, 40 and 60% more than recommended N) by fixing SOC rates viz. 0.02, 0.03, 0.04 and 0.05 for NH3 volatilization. The unit increase in N rate as well as SOC correspondingly increased NH3 volatilization, N2O, NO and N2 flux. It is concluded that GW is the main cause of GHG.


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