First report and redescription of five species of genus Myrmeleon (Neuroptra: Myrmeleontidae) from Pakistan

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First report and redescription of five species of genus Myrmeleon (Neuroptra: Myrmeleontidae) from Pakistan

Saleem Akhtar, Muhammad Ashfaq, Ahmed Zia, Shaukat Ali, Ghulam Muhammad Ali, Farhatullah, Yusuf Zafar
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 1), 181-191, July 2018.
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The antlion species diversity belonging to genus Myrmeleon was studied during 2011 to 2014. Total 703 antlion specimens were collected. Morphological analysis, following standard taxonomic protocols, revealed the presence of six species of genus Myrmeleon in this collection. Out of six, only one species, Myrmeleon assamensis has been previously reported while five species, Myrmeleon bore, Myrmeleon hyalinus, Myrmeleon inconspicuus, Myrmeleon noacki, and Myrmeleon trivialis are the first records in Pakistan.


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