First report on the macrophyte and benthic macroinvertebrate communities of the Parcours Vita leisure lake of the City of Douala (Cameroon)

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Research Paper 11/07/2024
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First report on the macrophyte and benthic macroinvertebrate communities of the Parcours Vita leisure lake of the City of Douala (Cameroon)

Nectaire Lié Nyamsi Tchatcho, Roland Didier Nwamo, Paul Alain Nana, Félix Besack, Siméon Tchakonté, Collins Njoya Hamidou, Brice Lozie Tchoumbou Djeumeni, Paul Modeste Fonkou
J. Bio. Env. Sci.25( 1), 164-175, July 2024.
Certificate: JBES 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Macrophytes and benthic macroinvertebrates, which play a functional role in hydrosystems, area also used as indicators of the quality of aquatic environments. The main objective of this study was to provide an initial overview of the diversity of macrophyte and benthic macroinvertebrate communities, associated with a number of abiotic variables in Parcours Vita Lake, located in the city of Douala in Cameroon. Overall, 24 species of macrophytes belonging to 18 families were recorded. The most represented family was Asteraceae with 03 species. The benthic macroinvertebrate communities were made up of the Arthropod (70.04%) and Mollusc (29.96%) phyla, grouping together 22 families, essentially from the Insect and Gastropod classes. The low values obtained for the Shannon and Weaver diversity indices reflected a major unevenness in the macrophyte and invertebrate communities at the various study stations. The Organic Pollution Index (OPI) revealed a high load of organic matter at station S2 (2.50). Similarly, the load was lower at stations S1 (2.75) and S3 (2.75), corresponding to a high level of organic pollution in the water at all three sites. This study has highlighted the threats to the functional dynamics of Parcours Vita Lake, which could compromise the sustainability of the current fish farming project and the development of an ecotourism activity.

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