Fish biodiversity and physiochemical assessment of river Kurram at District Bannu KP, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/07/2019
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Fish biodiversity and physiochemical assessment of river Kurram at District Bannu KP, Pakistan

Feroz Khan, Hameed Ur Rehman, Khalid Usman, Haleema Sadia, Shahid Raza, Umair Ali, Hakim Ullah, Bilal Ahmad Zafar Amin, Kausar Malik,Tahir Azeem, Abdul Haseeb, Imran Ali Shah, Abdul Karim
Int. J. Biosci.15( 1), 296-302, July 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The purpose of current study was to investigate the fish biodiversity and physiochemical assessment of river Kurram district Bannu. Total 8 species belonging 7 genera, 4 families and 4 orders were collected from two sites (KurramGari andDaud Shah) of river Kurram. The cyprinidae family was most abundant represented by 5species, notopteridae, mastacemblida and channidae families were represented by 1 species. The catchment frequencies of the collected specimen were 49 and percentile value of cyprinidae (63.27%), mastacemblidae (14.28%), notopteridae (12.24%) and Channidae (10.21%) respectively, while most of the species were commercially important fishes.Water samples were taken in between 1.00 to 3.00 p.m. from two sites (KurramGari and Daud Shah) within a month of river Kurram and brought to the water monitoring laboratory National Agriculture Research Center (NARC) Islamabad for analyzed their hardness, alkalinity, pH (Power of Hydrogen ion concentrations), TDS (total dissolved solids), temperature and oxygen.After analyzing their physiochemical parameters showed the normal values and not too much different and risky for fish life in the river Kurram.

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