Fish diversity assessment of Beels in Chandpur District, Bangladesh

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Research Paper 20/08/2022
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Fish diversity assessment of Beels in Chandpur District, Bangladesh

Kaniz Fatema Kanon, Anusree Biswas, Md. Almamun Farid, Syeda Maksuda Yeasmin, Jinia Karim Tripti
Int. J. Biosci.21( 2), 384-391, August 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


The present investigation was carried out to observe fish biodiversity of Guptir beel, Satbaria beel and Dogger beel under Faridganj, Chandpur Sadar and Hajiganj Upazila respectively in Chandpur district, Bangladesh. A field study was conducted for five months from September, 2021 to January, 2022. During the study period, a total of 46 species of fish were reported belonging to 10 orders and 20 families were documented from three beels of Chandpur district. Cypriniformes and Siluriformes were filed as leading group in the fish fauna community that comprises 36% and 18% of total species, respectively. According to IUCN conservation 2015, the study revealed that (70%) of the species were of Least Concern followed by Near Threatened (15%), Endangered (7%), Vulnerable (6%) and Data Deficient (2%). Population indices, viz. Shannon-Weaver diversity index (H´), Margalef species richness (d) and Pielou’s evenness index (J´) were applied to demonstrate the species diversity, richness and evenness of fish. The highest and lowest mean value of Shannon-Weaver diversity (H´) index were 3.68±0.079 and 3.55±0.08 in Dogger beel and Guptir beel, respectively. Margalef Richness Index (d) was recorded as 4.33 to 6.15. The mean value of Richness (d) index 5.41±0.51 and 4.81±0.40 were found in Guptir and Satbaria beel, respectively. The highest mean value of evenness index was 0.966±0.015 in Satbaria beel, whereas the tiniest mean value was 0.968±0.009 in Guptir beel. Prudent planning for sustainable management and conservation Schemes are essential for beel fishery to enrich the fish species diversity of three beels in Chandpur district.


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