Fish fauna of River Zhob and Anambar

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Research Paper 01/08/2018
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Fish fauna of River Zhob and Anambar

Baz Gul, Dr. M. Iqbal, Dr. Ghulam Rabbani, Dr. Sanaullah Khan
Int. J. Biosci.13( 2), 271-275, August 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


A survey of river Zhob and Anambar (Baluchistan) at six (6) different localities viz. Brunj, Viahla, Narazai, Mir Ali Khel, Badenzai and Deragai for fish fauna and Limnological analysis was carried out from March, 2016 to August, 2016. Collection of fish and water samples were made about 15 day interval. A total of nineteen (19) species were recorded. Family Cyprinidae was represented by thirteen (14) species viz. Cyprinion watsoni, Baurilius paksitanicus, B. vagra, Labeo dero, L. dyochielus, Cirrhinus mrigala, Schizothorax plagiostomus, Crossocheilus deplocheilus, Garra gotyla, Salamostoma bacaila, Schizocypris brucie, Tor zhobensis and Tor putitora, while, family sisoridae was represented by Glyptothorax naziri and G. punjabensis family Noemacheilidae by schistura punjabensis and S. corica; Cobitidae by Botia lahachata and Mastacembelidae by Mastecembelus armatus, single species each. All these species were recorded from all six localities. Regarding Physical parameters of river Zhob and its environment, Air temperature ranged between 23.0ºC to 33.0ºC, water temperature ranged between 19.7ºC to 27.5ºC. While speed of water 2.08km/h, Depth of river ranged between 1.0m to 3.5m.


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