Flood experiences, resiliency and migration intentions of flood-risk residents of Tuguegarao City, Philippines

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Research Paper 01/06/2019
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Flood experiences, resiliency and migration intentions of flood-risk residents of Tuguegarao City, Philippines

Antonio I. Tamayao
Int. J. Biosci.14( 6), 358-367, June 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


This paper challenges the commonly held idea that household flood resiliency is associated with the residents’ intention to stay or migrate. It also investigated the household characteristics, flood experiences, household flood resiliency, and migration intentions of flood-risk residents of Tuguegarao City, Philippines. It employed quantitative and qualitative research methods with 172 respondents from the 10 flood-risk Barangays of Tuguegarao City. Stratified random sampling and serpentine approach were used in identifying the households based on the barangay map. Structured interview and focus group discussion were utilized to substantiate data obtained from the Survey Questionnaire. The study concludes that the flood-risk residents of Tuguegarao City are resilient having no intention to migrate. They are able to reach and maintain an acceptable level of functioning and structure during and after inundation. Significantly, household flood resiliency is not associated with migration intention. High or low household resiliency does not influence migration decision. Thus, flooding is not a “singular driver of migration” because migration decision is a confluence of many interplaying factors.


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