Flora diversity and characterization of plant groups in Atlantic Forests of Cameroon

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Flora diversity and characterization of plant groups in Atlantic Forests of Cameroon

Jean Louis Fobane, Jean Michel Onana, Jules Christian Zekeng, Hortense Elvire Biye, Marguerite Marie Abada Mbolo
J. Bio. Env. Sci.10( 5), 163-176, May 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Atlantic forests are part of the Guinean Low land and are known for their rich flora and fauna. A thorough botanical study has never been carried out at the level of the forest management units (FMU) located in these forests. This research therefore sought to characterize the vegetation using diversity indices and structure, to describe the plant diversity and to analyze the chorological types encountered in these forests. Twelve permanent one hectare plots were established in the two FMU’s. Trees with dbh (diameter at breast height) ≥10 cm were identified, counted, measured, marked and tagged in each hectare. A total of 6425 individuals belonging to 317 species, 212 genera and 60 families were obtained. Three plant groups were described based on their similarity to variables such as altitude, the soil content and rainfall. The Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideaeare the most diverse in term of number of individuals. Garcinia lucida (Clusiaceae) found only in Group 1, is the most abundant species with an IVI=23.71. The Shannon diversity index (H’≥3.5)shows a forest with high species abundance and diversity. The chorological analysis reveals a predominance of Guineo-Congolese species with zoochore species being the most dominant in all three plant groups.


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