Floristic composition in Kinalablaban River delta interconnected with the nickel mines in Surigao, Philippines

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Research Paper 01/01/2017
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Floristic composition in Kinalablaban River delta interconnected with the nickel mines in Surigao, Philippines

Chime M. Garcia, Lorie Cris S. Asube, Rowena P. Varela, Glenn Arthur A. Garcia
J. Bio. Env. Sci.10( 1), 97-104, January 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


In nickel mining, a considerable amount of topsoil and vegetation are removed to extract the ore, thus soil erosion during rainy season is inevitable. This causes the soil particles and associated minerals to eventually reach the freshwater and marine water bodies nearby. Reforestation is viewed to provide the buffering effect to soil erosion, so this study was done to determine local plant species with potential for use in mine rehabilitation to reforest the area. A total of 55 floral species belonging to 36 families was recorded growing in the alluvial plain of the Kinalablaban Delta. The predominant plant species found is Pandanus tectorius of the Family Pandanaceae which is a perennial species. Other typical beach forest plants found in the site were Terminalia catappa, Calophyllum inophyllum, Ipomoea pes-caprae and species of mangroves. Xanthostemon verdugonianus which is native to the Philippines is also a common plant in the site. The existence of diverse floral species in the delta indicates that the soil particles deposited from soil erosion can support biodiversity. The soil quality in the delta supports the survival of plant species despite the deficiency in nitrogen. These information are useful in mine rehabilitation because the interconnectivity between the soil quality in the mountain slopes and the deposited soil in the delta is critical in planning in the landscape approach.


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