Floristic structure and ecological attributes of Jelar valley flora, district Upper Dir, Pakistan

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Floristic structure and ecological attributes of Jelar valley flora, district Upper Dir, Pakistan

Shariat Ullah, Lal Badshah
J. Bio. Env. Sci.10( 5), 89-105, May 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The present study was conducted during March 2015 to October 2016 for exploring the floristic composition and biological spectrum of Jelar valley, District Upper Dir. Raunkiaer was followed for the classification of plants into various life form and leaf size classes. Floristic list of the study area revealed that flora of Jelar valley was diverse and comprised of 250 species belonging to177 genera and 77 families. The dominant families in term of species richness were Asteraceae and Lamiaceae, (each with 20 Species, 8%), Rosaceae (19 Species, 7.6%) and Papilionaceae (16 Species, 6.4%), while the dominant genera were Polygonum and Rosa (each with 5 Species). Due to harsh climatic conditions in winter, maximum numbers of species were found in summer and autumn. Biological spectra showed that therophytes (101 Species, 40.4%) and hemicryptophytes (43 Species, 17.2%) were dominant while in leaf size classes microphylls (32%) and nanophylls (30%) were dominant. Seasonal variation in life form and leaf form spectra are also described. The present work concluded that the flora of the area is diverse. Phytoclimate of the area is therophytic type and the environmental condition of the area is greatly disturbed by biotic pressure on the flora. This floristic study is the first inventory of the area and provides baseline information for the future prediction of the flora.


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