Flulc mapping and assessment of a typical sub watershed of Central India using IRS-P6 LISS 3 data

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Research Paper 01/09/2012
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Flulc mapping and assessment of a typical sub watershed of Central India using IRS-P6 LISS 3 data

Ajay K. Singh, S. S. Singh
J. Bio. Env. Sci.2( 9), 26-32, September 2012.
Certificate: JBES 2012 [Generate Certificate]


The forest land use/ land cover (FLULC) mapping and assessment of Chornai sub watershed has done by using IRS P6 LISS3 data of 2008 dataset. The study area is located in the eastern part of the Hasdeo river basin, Chhattisgarh, Central India. The sub watershed covers an area of the 1792.30 km2. This area has subjected to different kind of ecological degradation by man and nature. The data shows that this sub watershed has total 37.97% area as dense forest, 11.14% area is open forest, 12.57% area is non forest (Agriculture land without crop recorded 62.56% and agriculture land with crop 37.44%) and 38.32% area is water bodies. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) of the sub watershed has also been analysed for vegetation.


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