Food habit of hampala (Hampala macrolepidota Kuhl & Van Hasselt 1823) and its position in food web, food pyramid and population equilibrium of ranau lake, Indonesia

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Research Paper 01/06/2014
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Food habit of hampala (Hampala macrolepidota Kuhl & Van Hasselt 1823) and its position in food web, food pyramid and population equilibrium of ranau lake, Indonesia

Safran Makmur, Diana Arfiati, Gatut Bintoro, Arning Wilujeng Ekawati
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 6), 167-177, June 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Hampala is an important economic fish species living in Ranau Lake. Food habit is closely related with trophic level in food web or food pyramid of fish population in the water. This study was aimed at knowing the position of food habit in food web, food pyramid, and population equilibrium in Ranau Lake. It was carried out in March-November, 2013. Fish samples were collected by experimental gill net of 1½ inch,1¾ inch and 2½ inch mesh size in Banding Agung and Talang Teluk areas. Fish samples were measured and weighed, gut content observed, and digestive tract length measured. Gut content analyses of Hampala macrolepidota with total length range of 9.7 cm – 33.3 cm, mean length of 19.17±4.72 cm were encountered 7 food groups, fish, shrimp, crab, insect, mollusc, aquatic plant and food debris. Hampala is a carnivorous fish with major food of fish (IP=58.85%; FK=73.78%). Relative length of the digestive tract to total length was 87.3%. Regression equation between total length (X) and digestive tract length (Y) was Y=1,1757+0,9327X (r=0,93). Hampal, in food web and food pyramid, occurred as tertiary consumer or at the peak of food pyramid. Non-predatory and predatory ratio (F/C) was 1.56 with standard value range of 1.40-10.00 indicating that fish population in Ranau Lake, between predatory and non-predatory fish, was still in equilibrium.


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