Fractal analysis of Hippocampus spp. (seahorse) in Danajon Bank, Philippines

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Research Paper 01/06/2018
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Fractal analysis of Hippocampus spp. (seahorse) in Danajon Bank, Philippines

Sharon Rose Tabugo, Charity Mae Apale, Edwin Dumalagan
Int. J. Biosci.12( 6), 164-173, June 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Danajon bank is the home of four out of seven species of seahorses known in the Philippines. Seahorses are considered as highly vulnerable species to overfishing and habitat destruction, especially in Danajon bank thus, there is a need to monitor populations in the area. One method to look into the nature of populations is to use fractal geometry to look into morphometric complexity patterns of different species of seahorses (Hippocampus spp.) hence, this study. Irregular non-euclidean objects are better described by fractal geometry and the measurable value is called the fractal dimension. It is hypothesized that fractals are far from the equilibrium state and thus associated with chaos. Hence, high fractal dimensions have implications to vulnerability of species. Box-counting and Lacunarity method were performed with Fraclac v.2.5, and available as a plugin to ImageJ. The method was done to test whether significant differences in fractal dimension and lacunarity values can be species-specific and provide evidence of vulnerability. Based on ANOVA and Tukey’s pairwise comparison, results yield significant difference between species in terms of fractal dimension and coefficient of variation (CV) values for lacunarity and could be attributed to difference in morphological complexity and associated microhabitats. However, high mean fractal dimension based on box-counting and CV values was associated with H. histrix. Herewith, H. histrix yield to be the most highly complex and vulnerable species. Information obtained contributes to understanding the nature of seahorses especially those found in Danajon bank.


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