Frequency and intensity of forest and land fire incidents in the banjar district in 2015

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Research Paper 01/11/2017
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Frequency and intensity of forest and land fire incidents in the banjar district in 2015

Abdi Fithria, Syam’ani
J. Bio. Env. Sci.11( 5), 12-19, November 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Data showcased by NASA (US Space Agency) MODIS (Space Observer Imports Spectroradiometer) published in 2009 and 2015 show that the location of land fires in Banjar Regency mostly occurs in lowland areas, which are generally cultivated areas (outside forest areas and not forested areas), such as agricultural land, plantation land, even settlements. So serious the impacts caused by forest and land fires, efforts are needed to mitigate them. One form of technology that can be applied to support forest and land fire prevention activities is satellite remote sensing technology (spatial analysis). Spatial analysis method of intensity of forest and land fire incident is overlay between hotspot spots with administration area of ​​Kabupaten Banjar. Mapping of land fires temperature using geostatistical interpolation method. The algorithm used is Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW). The result of the research shows that Both maps and tabular data of the fire incidents shows that the area with the largest number of forest fires are Simpang Empat Sub-District, with a total of 124 fires during 2015. Following Karang Intan and Sungai Pinang. Meanwhile, if viewed from the map and the temperature intensity of fire incidents data, it appears that the most dangerous fires occurred in the area around the Aranio, Pengaron, Sungai Pinang, and Paramasan sub-districts. The satellite had detected fires with high temperatures in these sub-districts in 2015. Especially in Paramasan Sub-District, where recorded a forest fire with temperatures over 170°C.


NASA Earth Observatory. Home. Climate change, global climate change, global warming, natural hazards, Earth, environment, remote sensing.

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