Frequency of mortality in American society of Anesthesialogist class-I, II, III after neurosurgical procedure at lady reading hospital Peshawar

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Research Paper 01/07/2020
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Frequency of mortality in American society of Anesthesialogist class-I, II, III after neurosurgical procedure at lady reading hospital Peshawar

Fazal Karim, Ayesha Jehad, Bahrul Amin, Naqash Ahmad, Imdad Ullah
Int. J. Biosci.17( 1), 69-74, July 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


The American Society of Anesthesia, ASA classification is utilized to evaluate fitness of patients prior to surgery and in 1963, it was first described and renewed. The purpose of this classification is to decrease the mortality rate related to anesthesia performing the surgical intervention to provide the safe anesthesia for the patient care. The aim of this is to find out the mortality ratio in different ASA classes except class IV in neurosurgical procedure. A cross-sectional study conducted in LRH Peshawar. Data was collected with non-probability convenient sampling technique from 178 patients including both male and female patients. Out of the total population, (62.4%) n = 111 were male and (37.6%) n = 67 were female. After observing the entire patient in different classes the ASA Class-I includes total number of patient 108(60.7%) and patient in ASA Class-II is 56 (31.5%) while ASA Class-III has 14 (7.9%). Out of these total 146 (82%) patient were discharges after surgical procedure while the 32(18%) patient were expired. The results of the research shown that total number of expire patient in ASA class-I 11 (10.2%) and in ASA class-II, 11 (19.6%) patients were expired. In ASA class-III the expiry rate was high that is 10 (71.4%) patients. So, we observed from the study that the mortality rate increases with increase of ASA grade and shows that the ASA grading is very important to evaluate the survival of the patients for safe anesthesia and surgical intervention.


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