Fresh water algae of gulbahar, district Peshawar, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/10/2011
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Fresh water algae of gulbahar, district Peshawar, Pakistan

Farrukh Hussain, Shambaleed Humayun, Niaz Ali, Lal Badshah
J. Bio. Env. Sci.1( 5), 66-74, October 2011.
Certificate: JBES 2011 [Generate Certificate]


Thirty nine species were identified from Gulbahar-Peshawar, City. These included Cyanophyceae (12 Spp.), Chlorophyceae (4 Spp.) and Bacillariophyceae (23 Spp.), The important genera were Oscillatoria (7 Spp), Navicula (4 spp), Nitzschia (4 spp), Pinnularia (3 spp), Lyngbya (3 Spp.), Amphora (3 spp), Epithemia (2 spp),and Ulothrix (2 Spp.). Microcystis, Cosmarium, Microspora, Oocystis, Frustulia, Mastoglia, Surirella, Stauroneis, Diploneis, Achnanthes and Cymbella had one species each. The present study will help others toknow the ecological distribution of different flora of fresh water algea in gulbahar, Peshawar. Further work is needed to evaluate its medicinal value and other essential aspects.


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