Fungal pathogens associated with grapevine wood lesions in Algeria

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Fungal pathogens associated with grapevine wood lesions in Algeria

Faiza Ammad, Messaoud Benchabane, Mohamed Toumi
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.4( 6), 8-15, June 2014.
Certificate: IJAAR 2014 [Generate Certificate]


A field survey was conducted in Algeria to assess the state of dieback in some vineyards and identification the fungal pathogens associated with necrotic wood lesions. Field surveys conducted during spring seasons in 2006 and 2012 revealed that an average disease incidience was 25 % , the indice of disease severity varied of 0.5 – 2%, based on herbaceous symptoms. Some sections of wood cultivar, collected from four localities vine showed many kinds of necrosis, central sectoral(brown colour), necrosis sectoral(grey colour) and central light brown. Wood samples were collected and used for isolation and then placed on potato-dextrose (PDA) medium. The results showed that the presence of wood fungi mostly affected the vine trunk were isolated and the fungi were identified morphologically as Botryosphaeria species and Fomitiporia mediterranea.


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