GC-MS analysis of constituents of essential oil from Stachys pubescens in in-vitro conditions

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GC-MS analysis of constituents of essential oil from Stachys pubescens in in-vitro conditions

Masoume Sabokbari, Saleh Amiri, Shahnam Ashtari, Farzad Banaei-Asl, Abdollah Hossein Babaiy, Samad Aliyoun-Nazari
Int. J. Biosci.3( 5), 13-16, May 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


The genus Stachys distributed in the Mediterranean regions and south-west Asia. Tissue culture is the practical solution to produce these metabolites. Stachys pubescens seeds were sterilized using detergents and were grown on 0.8% agar for seedling production, then the upper part of the seedling were moved in sterile conditions on autoclaved MS medium containing plant hormones. After growing a sufficient quantity of green callus, callus DCM extracts were prepared and analyzed using the GC system. Based on analysis of the essential oil from the plant shoot, seven compounds identified, which was in total 96.2% of the essential oil including 90% of the oxygenated monoterpene, 5.5 % of aliphatic compounds and 7% other ingredients.


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