Gene pool conservation and characterization of drumstick (Moringa oleifera L.)

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Research Paper 01/11/2021
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Gene pool conservation and characterization of drumstick (Moringa oleifera L.)

Moatasim Billah, Mahbub Robbani, Mohammad Ali, Jewel Howlader
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.19( 5), 1-9, November 2021.
Certificate: IJAAR 2021 [Generate Certificate]


The present research work was conducted at the Germplasm Center, Department of Horticulture, Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU), during 2018/2019. The experiment was laid out following a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 15 germplasm (treatments) and 4 replications (blocks). The experimental germplasms were Mo-1 to Mo-15. There was found a significant variation among the germplasm in relation to leaf, flower and pod. Better results were obtained from germplasm Mo-2, 14 and 15 in respect of number of leaves, number of leaflets per leaf, leaf length, leaf width, pod length, pod width, seed width, fleshy material weight, yield/tree. Except Mo-1 and Mo-11, all the germplasm had three flowering peaks. Among 15 germplasm 10 of the germplasm produced white colored flower, 3 produced cream-colored flower and 2 produced cream-colored flowers with red streaks. Highest number of leaves (8.25) was recorded in germplasm Mo-2. Longest leaf length was found in Mo-15 (49.75cm) and width was in Mo-14 (21.87cm). Highest number of leaflets per leaf (434.8) was recorded in Mo-15. Maximum pod length (59.83cm) and width (1.8cm) was found in Mo-2. Longest seed length was found in Mo-6 (1.46cm) and width in Mo-15 (0.8cm). The highest number of seeds per pod (24.00) was found in both Mo-8 and Mo-5. The maximum 10-seed weight was found in Mo-9 (4.35 g). Highest fleshy material weight was found in Mo-2 (66.5 g). The maximum total fruit per plant (335.8) and yield (23.51kg) was found in germplasm Mo-2.


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