Genetic assessment of Amblyseius eharai and Typhlodromus sp. on Citrus in Vietnam using COI mtDNA barcoding

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Research Paper 09/11/2024
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Genetic assessment of Amblyseius eharai and Typhlodromus sp. on Citrus in Vietnam using COI mtDNA barcoding

Nguyen T. P. Thao, Le T. Long, Nguyen T. Thuy
Int. J. Biosci.25( 5), 145-154, November 2024.
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The study documents recorded presence of Amblyseius eharai (Amitai and Swirskii) and Typhlodromus sp. on citrus plants in Vietnam, expanding the known distribution of these Phytoseiidae mites. Genetic analysis using the COI gene showed that A. eharai from Vietnam is closely related to populations from Asia and Georgia, suggesting a shared lineage with adaptations due to geographic separation. Typhlodromus sp. from Vietnam formed its own clade within the genus, significantly differentiated from Typhlodromus pyri (Scheuten) and Typhlodromus recki (Wainstein), implying a potentially unique or undescribed species adapted to Vietnam’s environment. These findings highlight the importance of molecular markers in Phytoseiidae taxonomy and recommend further studies with additional genetic markers and morphological comparisons to clarify these species’ identities and evolutionary relationships.


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