Genetic characterization of Berberis species collected from Kunhar River catchment using morphological and molecular markers

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Research Paper 01/05/2013
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Genetic characterization of Berberis species collected from Kunhar River catchment using morphological and molecular markers

Ajmal Iqbal, Israr Ahmad, Habib Ahmad, Sajidul Ghafoor, Abdul Razzaq, Istiak Ahmed
Int. J. Biosci.3( 5), 35-42, May 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


The Berberis genus represents perennial spiny shrubs with reddish brown to pale yellowish stem bark. From Pakistan Berberis have been classified on morphological characters but no attempt was made to classify it on molecular traits. The first documented report of using molecular as well as numerical parameters for dissecting the genus from different localities of Kunhar River catchment. The assessment of Berberis is genus based upon 19 morphological characters. The data obtained from numerical analysis was computed for getting dendrogram, which classified 24 collections into two major groups i.e. group A and B. All the genotypes of group-A was having red fruits whereas the collections clustered into group-B produce black fruits. Molecular characterization was done with the help of 12 RAPD primes to elaborate genetic polymorphism in Berberis colletions. The primers based amplification in the collections revealed high level of genetic polymorphism, i.e. 6-86%. The genetic diversity estimated as genetic distances computed into dendrogram, separated the collections into 5 distinct groups A, B, C, D and E, disseminated as Berberis parkeriana, B. lycium, B. pachyacantha, B. kunwarensis and B. orthobotrys, respectively. However the collection B-8, which closely resembles B. parkeriana morphology was out grouped and needs future elaboration with more markers assorted discrimination.


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