Genetic diversity assessment of wheat germplasm from Pakistan using agro-morphometric traits

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Research Paper 01/10/2020
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Genetic diversity assessment of wheat germplasm from Pakistan using agro-morphometric traits

Kiran Zubair, Inamullah, Ayesha Bibi, Rabia Masood, Hakim Khan
Int. J. Biosci.17( 4), 161-169, October 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


In the present study, Genetic diversity was studied among 25 bread wheat genotypes using 13 agro-morphological traits. The data were analyzed by cluster analysis and principal component analysis. A significant level of variability was noticed for some agro-morphological traits. The largest variation was observed in the Harvest index (203.11), Flag leaf area (153.39) and plant height (103.92). The 25 bread wheat varieties in this study were grouped into four clusters based on the hierarchical clustering method. Most important PCI explained 31.96%, PCII contributed 21.23% and PCIII accounted for 11.88% of total morphological variability. Genotypes Bluesilver, Pari-73 and Haider-2000 have high thousand-grain weight, biological yield and the high number of tillers per plant. Bluesilver, Pari-73 and Haider-2000 are three elite genotypes identified based on important agro-morphological traits for the future breeding program under Mansehra conditions.


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