Genetic diversity evaluation of Agropyron desertorum genotypes by path coefficient analyses for determination effective traits on grain yield in moderate climate condition (Arak Region)

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Research Paper 01/05/2015
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Genetic diversity evaluation of Agropyron desertorum genotypes by path coefficient analyses for determination effective traits on grain yield in moderate climate condition (Arak Region)

Alireza Seyedmohammadi, Mohammad Khayat
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 5), 130-136, May 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Identifying key yield components can help establish better crop management strategies to increase crop yield. The present research was conducted in moderate conditions of the Arak region to determine the interrelationships among various yield components and their direct and indirect effects of each component on grain yield of 31 genotypes of Agropyron desertorum were densely planted in randomized complete block design with four replications. Some of the most important morphological and physiological attributes were measured. The data collected in two years were analysed; principal components analysis and cluster analysis were used to determine genetic distance and genotype classification. In principal components analysis, the specific values obtained from 1 to 5 components were larger than one. Totally, 75 percent of all variances justified the variables. In the first component, attributes of ear emergence time, pollination time, plant height, and forage yield, and in the second component, attributes including number of stems, grain yield, and harvest index had greater specific vector coefficients besides major attributes for genotype classification. Correlation coefficients between grain yield and other attributes including harvest index, number of spike lets in ear, number of stems, and forage yield were positive and significant.


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