Genetic diversity for grain size and its association with yield components in bread wheat

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Research Paper 01/04/2019
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Genetic diversity for grain size and its association with yield components in bread wheat

Amna Kanwal, Zulfiqar Ali, Rahil Shahzad, Mehvish Makhdoom, Iqra Ghafoor, Saira Saleem, Ali Bakhsh, Muhammad Zulkiffal, Nusrat Parveen, Aziz ur Rehman, Javed Ahmad
Int. J. Biosci.14( 4), 112-122, April 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Food security for increasing population demands high grain yield potential. Development of high yielding cultivars along with bold grain size is major confront for researchers. The shape, size and density of grain are vital constituents for governing high yield, market value as well as good milling. Present study was designed to evaluate of 50 genotypes from CIMMYT (34 ESWYT) for high yield and grain characteristics was performed following RCBD. From biplot analysis,genotypesAK41 and AK50 were selected as high yielding lines with good grain size. Significant positive correlation of grain size was observed with grain yield, days to an thesis, days to maturity, spikelet’s/spike, plant height and flag leaf area. Whereas grain size showed non-significant association with grain weight/spike, thousand grain weight, number of grains/spike, productive tillers m‑1 and spike length. Grain yield showed significant positive correlation with grain weight/spike, spike length, thousand grain weight, number of grains per spike, productive tillers m-1 and spikelet’s per spike and non-significant association with days to maturity. The results reported in this study could play crucial role in the development of plant material with desirable grain size and high yield.


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