Genetic diversity of wheat hybrid lines against leaf rust of wheat in relation to epidemiological factors

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Research Paper 01/08/2018
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Genetic diversity of wheat hybrid lines against leaf rust of wheat in relation to epidemiological factors

Khizar Razzaq, Abdul Rehman, M. Waqar Alam, Saira Mehboob, Romana Anjum, Farooq Ahmad, Sundas Hanif, Yasir Ali, Zeshan Ali, Owais Yasin
Int. J. Biosci.13( 2), 18-27, August 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Wheat rusts are the significant diseases of wheat crop and significant threats all over the world. Among all major wheat diseases occurring worldwide leaf rust caused by Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici is a big hazard when it occurs in severe condition. The susceptible germplasm and favorable environmental conditions contribute towards wide epidemic of rust diseases. In the present investigation, twenty hybrid wheat lines were screened out and correlated with epidemiological factors (i.e. minimum and maximum temperature, relative humidity, rainfall and wind speed). Results demonstrated that only one hybrid line (E9) showed resistance response against leaf rust with 70% AUDPC value. Maximum disease severity was observed at minimum and maximum temperature ranging from 8-17 and 24.5-32.5 0C, respectively. Similarly, maximum disease severity was recorded at maximum wind speed and rain fall ranging from 2.0-2.8 km/h and 1.9-5.4 mm, respectively. A negative relationship was found between relative humidity and disease severity which indicated that with increase in relative humidity disease severity decreased. A positive correlation was observed between disease severity and epidemiological factors. Thus, this disease predicting model will help the farmers in minimizing yield losses caused by leaf rust.


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