Genetic diversity study of chinaberry plants with the use of molecular markers

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Genetic diversity study of chinaberry plants with the use of molecular markers

Nadir Ali Rind, Muhammad Rafiq, Muhammad Umar Dahot, Özlem Aksoy, Hafiza Faiza, Khalid Hussain Rind, Abdul Majeed Mangrio
J. Bio. Env. Sci.16( 1), 91-98, January 2020.
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Genetic variation in the natural growing populations appears due to challenging ecological and environmental conditions that leads to evolution. Molecular markers (RAPD & SSR) were applied to investigate ecological effects on the DNA of Melia Azeadarch L. Targeted plants were collected from various areas of Turkey and different locations of Pakistan. Genetic distances among all populations of Chinaberry plants were analyzed by generating dendogram which shows phylogenetic relationship among them. Different conservation strategies should be applied to conserve the genome of the naturally growing M. azedarach L. populations. Genomic DNA was extracted with the protocol followed by TM Plant genomic DNA Mini-prep Kit method. Total amount of DNA was quantified through Qubit® 2.0 Fluorometer. PCR based RAPD and SSR markers were applied for the study of genetic polymorphism among chinaberry DNA samples collected from five different locations of Turkey and three different areas of Pakistan. RAPD and SSR Molecular markers were applied which showed polymorphic bands. According to Jaccard’s similarity index with RAPD markers highest diversity was noted between Edirne and Izmir while the highest similarity index was noted between the genome of Istanbul and Adana. With the applications of SSR markers highest similarity index was noted among genomes of Edirne and Kocaeli. For the conservation and use of plants the study of genetic diversity and its distribution is most important. That will support in determining what to conserve and where to conserve, and will helpful to understand of the taxonomy and origin of targeted plant species. In order to manage germplasm conservation, there is a need to understand the genetic diversity of the wild plants.


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