Genetic parameters of some production traits of the synthetic breed Cunistar-MDL (Minimum Disease Level)

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Genetic parameters of some production traits of the synthetic breed Cunistar-MDL (Minimum Disease Level)

K. Soro, D.P. Sokouri, N.A. Bosso, M. Coulibaly, A.S.P. N’Guetta
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.4( 5), 110-118, May 2014.
Certificate: IJAAR 2014 [Generate Certificate]


This study aimed to present the first results of genetic analysis of the selection experiment for production traits of a synthetic breed, Cunistar-MDL (Minimum Disease Level), achieved in a private farm in Côte d’Ivoire. Production parameters studied were weight at birth (W0), individual weight at weaning or at 30 days (W30), individual weight at 60 days (W60), and individual weight at 90 days (W90). Average daily gain before weaning (ADG0-30) and daily average gain after weaning (ADG30-6O) were also analyzed. The results revealed that total number of animals born alive per calving was 7.50. Mortality rate before weaning was 16.91 %, while mortality rate after weaning was 2.00 %. The average weight of the litter at birth was 156.80 grams. At weaning, kits had an average weight of 530.62 grams. In general, all traits measured were significantly influenced by non genetic factors as sex, birth year, birth season and mother’s age. Heritability values ranged from 0.56 for weight at 90 days (W90) to 0.81 for weight at 30 days (W30). For growth they varied between 0.33 for average daily gain before weaning (ADG0-30) and 0.57 for average daily gain after weaning (ADG30-60). Phenotypic correlations between weights at different age ranged from -0.09 (correlation between W0 and W60) to 0.83 (correlation between W60 and W90). Genetic correlations ranged from -0.43 (correlation between W0 and W60) to 0.84 (correlation between W60 and W90). For growth in both periods (pre-weaning and post-weaning), phenotypic and genetic correlations were moderate and positives.


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