Genetic relationships to five species of Acacia (Fabaceae) in Iraq using PCR-Rapd Technique

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Genetic relationships to five species of Acacia (Fabaceae) in Iraq using PCR-Rapd Technique

Khansaa Rasheed Al-Joboury
Int. J. Biosci.14( 3), 273-277, March 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The aim of this study is to assess the genetic relations among species and to know the extent of convergence and divergence between them. The phylogentic relationships for five genotypes ofAcacia analyzed with RAPD-PCR (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA ) technique, The DNA for fresh and dry young leaves isolated from each sample for RAPD method, ten primers was studiedAnd used to identify the species of converged and similar in their characteristics or species diverged due to the difference of most of their qualities. The species were Acacia nilotica,  Acacia seyal, Acacia tortilis, Acacia farnesiana, Acacia reniformis, And the primers which used in this study were:A01: CCCAATTGG, A02: AACGGCTTC, C03: TCCCGAAGC , C08: AACGCTGTC , D05: GAACTTCGC, OPA-1: TTGAACCCG , OpA-2: ACAGTTGAG,OpA-3: TAGGCGTAG ,OpA-4: TATGTCGGC, OpA-5: ATAGTAGCC,  were tested in this study. In this study The band size ranged from 150 ‐ 1500 bp, So the total band ranged from 18-38 and the polymorphic bands ranged from 9 in the primer OpA-2 to 22 in the primer  OPA-1.We suggest that chemical, geographic and genetic studies support and support the morphological studies of plant species and help us to differentiate among plant species.

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