Genetic structure of Rastrococcus invadens populations on citrus in Senegal

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Research Paper 03/08/2023
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Genetic structure of Rastrococcus invadens populations on citrus in Senegal

Fawrou Seye, Amadou Fall, Fatou Samb, Tofféne Diome, Mady Ndiaye
Int. J. Biosci.23( 2), 1-16, August 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Citrus is a strategic sector in most producing countries, thus playing a significant socio-economic role. However, it is confronted with phytosanitary problems, including insect pests: the mealybug or Rastrococcus invadens. It causes direct and indirect damage to host plants (mango and citrus). For a better knowledge of the insect, a study based on the genetic structuring of the populations of Rastrococcus invadens on citrus fruits in Senegal was carried out. This study was carried out in four farms (Diatock and Oussouye) located in the natural Casamance region and (Santhie and Khay) in the Thiès region. In each farm, we chose ten individuals of R. invadens from lemon, orange, mandarin and grapefruit. The PCR-sequencing technique was used using the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. The results showed six groups of Rastrococcus invadens, with five groups common to Orange, Grapefruit, Mandarin, Lemon and the other group specifically for Orange and Grapefruit. The value of Fst=0.286 (AMOVA) showed that this structuring is weak overall, unlike the breasts of the localities. The demo-genetic tests and the mismatch distribution curves showed that the populations of Rastrococcus invadens are globally stable.


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Fall A, Seye F, Diome T, Touré M, Ndione RD. et Ndiaye M. 2020 Genetic differentiation of R. invadens populations in Senegal -International Journal of Entomology and zoology studies E-ISSN: 2320-7078 P-ISSN: 2349-6800.

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