Genetic variability and correlation studies of BARI released Potato varieties in Sylhet Region

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Research Paper 01/04/2022
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Genetic variability and correlation studies of BARI released Potato varieties in Sylhet Region

Md. Samsuzzaman, Md. Ahasan Habib, Md. Abdul Mazed Miah, Md. Sarowar Alam, Mohammad Zahir Ullah
Int. J. Biosci.20( 4), 137-143, April 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


The genetic parameters and characters association analysis between yield and yield components of 15 BARI release high yielding potato varieties were studied at RARS, BARI, Akbarpur, Moulvibazar, Bangladesh during the rabi season 2019-2021. The study aimed to confirm the performance of different potato varieties in acidic soil conditions and the selection of the best one suitable for cultivation in the Sylhet region. All the characters showed significant differences among the varieties indicating their wide genetic variation. The maximum tuber weight was produced by BARI Alu-47. The maximum tuber weight per plant and tuber yield (t/ha) was found highest in the variety BARI Alu-47. High estimates of coefficients of variability, heritability, and genetic gain for tuber grade by weight (kg) <28mm, tuber yield, tuber weight per plant, and tuber grade by weight (kg) 28-55mm indicated that these characteristics were largely controlled by additive gene action and that straight selection for them would be effective. Tuber yield per plant had a significant positive correlation with emergence % at 30 DAP, tuber grade by weight (kg) <28mm, and tuber weight per plant at both genotypic and phenotypic levels. These traits could be considered as selection criteria in potato breeding programs. The results indicate that tuber grade by weight (kg) <28mm, tuber weight per plant, and tuber grade by weight (kg) 28-55mm had a high genotypic coefficient of variability, high genetic advance as percentage of mean as well as positive significant correlation with tuber yield per plant. Considering yield and other desirable yield contributing characters, BARI Alu-47 was found suitable for Sylhet region.


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