Genetic variability and heritability for yield and yield associated traits among Brassica napus genotypes

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Research Paper 01/04/2019
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Genetic variability and heritability for yield and yield associated traits among Brassica napus genotypes

Amir Muhammad Khan, Razi Uddin, Zia Ur Rahman, Israr Ud Din, Ashiq Muhammad, Qaisar Ali, Navid Iqbal, Adil Zafar
Int. J. Biosci.14( 4), 368-376, April 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


An experiment was conducted to study genetic variability and heritability among ten Brassica napus L. genotypes for yield and yield associated traits. The genotypes (CA-2, CA-4, CA-5, DH-2, DH-3, DH-4, DH-5, DH-6, DH-8 and CA-20) were evaluated in randomized complete block design with three replications. Data were recorded on days to 50% flowering, primary branches plant-1, plant height, pod main raceme-1, main raceme length, pod length, 1000 seed weight, oil content, glucosinolate and erucic acid content. Results revealed significant differences (p≤0.05) for all studied traits except pod main raceme and oil content. Brassica genotype DH-7 exhibited minimum days to 50% flowering (109 days). Genotype CA-2 showed maximum 1000-seed weight (8.2g) and minimum erucic acid contents (29.2%) whereas genotype CA-5 exhibited maximum primary branches (9), plant height (224.5cm), glucosinolate (84.5µMg), oil content (54.5%) and low erucic acid (36.3%). High broad sense heritability was observed for days to 50% flowering (0.70), primary branches (0.73), plant height (0.74), pod main raceme (0.84), main raceme length (0.92), pod length (0.68), 1000-seed weight (0.83), oil content (0.65), glucosinolate content (0.81) and erucic acid (0.98). Among the studied genotypes, CA-5 and DH-8 performed better for most of the traits therefore, these genotype could be used in the future brassica breeding programs.


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