Genetic variability of porang populations (Amorphophallus muelleri) in West Java and Central Java based on trnL intron sequences

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Research Paper 01/09/2013
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Genetic variability of porang populations (Amorphophallus muelleri) in West Java and Central Java based on trnL intron sequences

Didik Wahyudi, Rodiyati Azrianingsih, Retno Mastuti
J. Bio. Env. Sci.3( 9), 31-41, September 2013.
Certificate: JBES 2013 [Generate Certificate]


Porang (A. muelleri) is herbaceous plant which is included in the family of Araceae. Previous studies showed morphological and genetic variation in A. muelleri. The suitable molecular marker used to indicate genetic variation is trnL intron. It is based on, trnL intron is non-coding regions of chloroplast genome which evolved more rapidly than coding region. The present study is aimed to find out genetic variability and phylogenetic relationship among A. muelleri populations in Central Java and West Java which is based on trnL intron sequences. Porang samples are obtained from central Java (Karangtengah, Wonogiri, Grobogan and Brebes) and West Java (Cisompet Garut). trnL sequences were analyzed by maximum parsimony and neighbor joining method. trnL intron has singletone variation as many as 13 sites, i.e on the order of squences: 49, 109, 144, 145, 159, 253, 297, 298, 300, 302, 379, 461, 463. In addition, trnL intron has 9 parsimony informative sites, i.e on the order of squences: 160, 184, 299, 409, 452, 454, 513, 527, 534. The highest number of haplotypes came from Grobogan populations with values diversity of haplotype is 1, while the least number of haplotypes came from Karangtengah and Wonogiri populations with diversity of haplotype is 0.000. phylogenetic tree shows the clustering of populations into three clade, first clade is A. variabilis and second clade are A. ochroleucus, A. longituberosus and A. sumawongii as outgroup and thirth clade divided into two subclade porang are clustered based on their population in Central Java and West Java


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