Genetic variation and structure of rubber population based on microsatellites

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Genetic variation and structure of rubber population based on microsatellites

Aldrin Y. Cantila, Rene Rafael C. Espino, Emma K. Sales
Int. J. Biosci.10( 3), 107-117, March 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Information towards genetic variation and structure of rubber leads to a proper utility of rubber clones for a varietal development. Rubber population represented by nine Asian, 10 South American and nine West African clones was described by indices for genetic variation such as number of alleles (Na), number of effective alleles (Ne), observed heterozygosity (Ho), unbiased heterozygosity (uHe), fixation index (F), Shannon’s information index (I) and gene diversity (GD); and population structure such as analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), structure analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) based on 13 microsatellites. Microsatellites derived 60 alleles in all with means Na, Ne, Ho, uHe, F, I and GDof4.615, 2.997, 0.619, 0.686, 0.051, 1.174 and 0.647 per microsatellite, respectively. AMOVA revealed 4%, 16% and 80% genetic variation among groups, among and within clones, respectively. The initial three groups based on geographical origin were reassigned into four based on the structure analysis.PCA supported the grouping through the distribution of clones on the scatterplot’s projection. PCA also detectedPC1 clones: GW5, IAN873, IRCA22, PB311, RRIM600 and USM1as the most variable clones based on squared cosines. Microsatellite data showed a rich genetic variation is within clones and confirmed rubber is genetically heterogenous. PCA result suggested PC1 clones can be effective parents while unbiased structure grouping will serve as heterotic groups as basis for the hybridization and development of new rubber varieties.

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