Genotype × environment interaction, and stability analysis in lowland rice promising genotypes

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Research Paper 01/11/2014
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Genotype × environment interaction, and stability analysis in lowland rice promising genotypes

Azri Kusuma Dewi, M. Ahmad Chozin, Hermanu Triwidodo, Hajrial Aswidinnoor
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.5( 5), 74-84, November 2014.
Certificate: IJAAR 2014 [Generate Certificate]


This assessing of genotype × environment interaction is one important step for accurate rice promising genotypes evaluation in large multi-environment trials. In this study, ten rice promising genotypes and two Indonesian rice varieties were grown in nsix environments during 2011 plant season to determine the grain yield stability and adaptability. The experiment used randomized complete block design with three replications. Yield stability and adaptability of yield performance were analyzed by using coefficient regression (bi), general mean of yield and deviation of regression by Finlay-Wilkinson and Eberhart-Russell method and other parameters of stability and AMMI model. From the current study, it is concluded that among rice promising genotypes that identified superior performance genotypes i.e. IPB 107-F-5-1-1, IPB 115-F-3-2-1, IPB 116-F-44-1-1, IPB 116-F-46-1-1, IPB 117-F-4-1-1, and IPB 149-F-8-1-1 were stable for two or more stability parameters and combination with high yield potential. Further analysis based on YSi only select four of the above genotypes i.e, IPB 115-F-3-2-1, IPB 116-F-44-1-1, IPB 117-F-4-1-1, and IPB 149-F-8-1-1, that could be recommended to farmers based on their performance of stability and high yield potential during selection. Based on AMMI biplot analysis, genotypes IPB 116-F-3-1-1, IPB 116-F-46-1-1, IPB 116-F-44-1-1and IPB 149-F-8-1-1 were more stable and have minimal interaction with environment. Whereas, genotypes IPB 117-F-4-1-1 and IPB 107-F-5-1-1 was gave indication to adapt at specific environmental condition.


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