Geochemistry and empirical, graphical and statistical classification of waters of an ecosystem Lacustrian: classification of humid zone Case Fetzara Lake (North-East Algeria)

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Research Paper 01/11/2018
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Geochemistry and empirical, graphical and statistical classification of waters of an ecosystem Lacustrian: classification of humid zone Case Fetzara Lake (North-East Algeria)

Soraya Ounnas, Sayad lamine, Drouiche Nadjib
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 5), 7-16, November 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The lake Fetzara is 18 km from Annaba, it was officially classified as a wetland protected by the Ramsar Convention (2003). The waters of the lake and soils are affected by salinization. This study objective is to determine the physico-chemical characteristics and the classification of the Fetzara lake’s water (North-eastern Algeria) by using the characteristic reports of major elements, Piper diagram, the analysis of the matrix of correlation, the ascendant hierarchic classification ( AHC) and the principal component analysis (PCA). The results allow us to classify statistically the Fetzara lake’s water into 4 distinct groups: the first group of high salinity are waters of the South- East region of the lake, the second one of an excessive salinity situated in the center of the lake, the third one of average salinity characterize the North-East of the lake and the last one of sulfate waters of high salinity in the south of the fetzara lake.


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