Geomorphic Signatures of Active Tectonics of Darian Area, Northeast of Shiraz, Iran

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Research Paper 01/07/2015
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Geomorphic Signatures of Active Tectonics of Darian Area, Northeast of Shiraz, Iran

Mahdi Azadmanesh, Mohsen Pour kermani, Abdolmajid Asadi, Manouchehr Ghorashi, Ali Solgi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.7( 1), 572-578, July 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


This paper examines both the relative Active Tectonics of Gadvan anticline based on morphometric parameters and their application in morphology and topography evolution in northeast of Shiraz. In the present study, the analysis including line ament mapping, length density mapping, intersection and the counts of lineaments and also the calculation of three geomorphic parameters (Smf, facet% and Vf) have been conducted. Some of which can be used in the study of morphology. According to the classification of geomorphic indicators, the study area was tectonically detected as an area within tense activity. Therefore, the uplift rate in this area is over the front of the mountain which is estimated about 1/5 to 4 mm per year. In the study, for the extraction of lineaments, automatic and semi-automatic methods along with manual one werealso conducted. Area lineament maps and length density, counts not only specifies areas with anomalous fracture but also can contribute in determining the location of drilling water wells of Darian plains.


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