Germination of Garcinia kola (heckel) seeds in response to seed sectioning, chemical pretreatment and different temperatures

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Research Paper 01/04/2019
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Germination of Garcinia kola (heckel) seeds in response to seed sectioning, chemical pretreatment and different temperatures

Joseph M. Asomaning
J. Bio. Env. Sci.14( 4), 44-53, April 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Garcinia kola Heckel is a multi-purpose tree widely used in West Africa resulting in its over-exploitation, the species is extinction-threatened. On farm conservation through cultivation has been recommended. However, seeds of the species can take about 18 months to germinate. This study aims at generating information on how the combinations of the techniques of seed sectioning, chemical treatment and temperature can be used to enhance germination of the seed. Seed sections and whole seeds pretreated with dormancy breaking chemicals were germinated on a gel of 1% water agar at 20, 25, 30 and 35°C. Statistical design used in the investigation was a completely randomized design in a 5×7×4 factorial (germination materials × chemical treatments × temperature). Germination data showed significances (p<0.001) namely: germination materials, germination temperatures, germination materials x germination temperatures, germination materials x chemicals, germination temperatures x chemicals.


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