GGE biplot analysis of wheat-rye disomic addition lines

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Research Paper 01/05/2014
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GGE biplot analysis of wheat-rye disomic addition lines

Zahra Bahadori, Ezatollah Farshadfar
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 5), 77-84, May 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Chromosome addition lines have often been used to map the genes on donor chromosomes based on the presence/absence of the genes on the chromosomes added to the recipient genome. In this study a set of wheat-rye disomic addition lines (DALs) was used to locate QTLs controlling yield and stability on specific chromosome(s) in rye. Experiments were conducted using a randomized complete block design with three replications under three rainfed and irrigated conditions. The GGE [genotype plus genotype x environment (GE)] biplot methodology was used to analyze the grain yield data attempting to locate the chromosome(s) which probability involved in controlling genetic stability performance in rye. The results of combined ANOVA showed that the environment, genotype and GE interaction effects were found to be significant, indicating remarkable changes in ranking of genetic materials over the environments. According to GGE biplot analysis, two parents (Chinese spring vs. Imperial rye) were different in their adaptations and consequently yield and stability performance. The results also verified that it would be possible to determine contrasting DALs based on the stability and integrating yield with stability performance for improving wheat genetic materials. Ranking of the DALs based on the ideal genotype (high yield and stability performance) revealed that most of the genes involved in controlling high yield and stability performance are located on two chromosomes 7R and 5R in rye. It was also concluded that GGE biplot method can be used as efficient tool for identifying superior genetic materials in a multi-environment trials data.


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