GGEBiplot analysis of genotype × environment interaction in Agropyron intermedium

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Research Paper 01/04/2015
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GGEBiplot analysis of genotype × environment interaction in Agropyron intermedium

Elham Emami1, Ezatollah Farshadfar, Hooshmand Safari
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 4), 260-267, April 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


In order to identify genotypes of Agropyron intermedium with high forage yield and stability an experiment was carried out in the Research station of Kermanshah Iran.The 11 accessions were sown in a randomized complete block design with three replications under rainfed and irrigated conditions during 2013-21-014 cropping deasons. Combined analysis of variance indicated high significant differences for location, genotype and G × E interaction (GEI) at 1% level of probability. Mean comparisons over environments introduced G4, G3 and G5 with maximum forage yield over rainfed and irrigated conditions. Minimum forage yield was attributed to genotype G1. GGEbiplot analysis exhibited that the first two principal components (PCA) resulted from GEI and genotype effect justified 99.37% of total variance in the data set. The four environments under investigation fell into two apparent groups: irrigated and rainfed. The presence of close associations among irrigated (E1 and E3) and rainfed (E2 and E4) conditions suggests that the same information about the genotypes could be obtained from fewer test environments, and hence the potential to reduce testing cost.The which-won-where pattern of GGEbiplot introduced genotypes G3 and G4 as stable with high forage yield for rainfed condition, while G5 was stable with high yield for irrigated condition. According to the comparison of the genotypes with the Ideal genotype accessions G4, G3 and G9 were more favorable than all the other genotypes.

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