Gibberellin-like activity of fungi associated with vermicast in corn and rice

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Research Paper 01/09/2018
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Gibberellin-like activity of fungi associated with vermicast in corn and rice

Jaleene R. Dela Cruz, Emmanuel E. Gandalera, Mary Jhane G. Valentino
Int. J. Biosci.13( 3), 297-305, September 2018.
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The study determined the potential of four fungi associated with vermicast namely Aspergillus niger, Rhizopus stolonifer, Aspergillus fumigatus and Rhizomucor pusillus in producing gibberellin-like activity that can promote plant growth. Coleoptile elongation and length of second leaf sheath of rice seeds and corn seeds were evaluated in the study. Coleoptile of rice seeds treated with fungal extracts were significantly lower than those treated with gibberellic acid. Whereas in corn, the gibberellin-like activity was observed at 24 hours of incubation in coleoptiles treated with A. fumigatus fungal spent and R. pusillus in ethanol extract (5.56mm and 5.49mm), at 48 hours of incubation, R. pusillus fungal spent and crude extract (11.65mm and 11.63mm), and at 72 hours, R. stolonifer ethanol extract and fungal spent (20.10mm and 19.38mm).Moreover, the second leaf sheath of rice seeds with the highest mean length was observed with R. stolonifer ethanol extract (39.15mm). Whereas, the longest second leaf sheath of corn was treated with A. niger, R. stolonifer and A. fumigatus crude extracts with mean values of 53.58mm, 51.88mm and 48.33mm, respectively. Thus, all fungi associated with vermicast exhibited growth promoting activity which influence the elongation in test plants.

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