GPS Based Surveillance and Chemothrerapeutic Management of Citrus Canker Disease and Leaf Miner in Relation to Prevailing Environmental Conditions in Sargodha District

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Research Paper 01/03/2020
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GPS Based Surveillance and Chemothrerapeutic Management of Citrus Canker Disease and Leaf Miner in Relation to Prevailing Environmental Conditions in Sargodha District

Muhamad Aslam Khan, Muhammad Qais, Yasir Ali, Hafiz Muhammad Aatif, Muhammad Atiq, Muhammad Bashair, Muhammad Zeeshan Mansha, Azhar Abbas Khan, Adeel Ahmad
Int. J. Biosci.16( 3), 88-102, March 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


In order to construct a disease management strategy, citrusorchards of different tehsils of district Sargodha viz. Bhalwal, Kot Momin, SillanWali, Shahpur, Sahiwal and Sargodha were surveyed to measure incidence of canker and citrus leaf miner population in relation to prevailing environmental conditions by using global positioning system (GPS). GPS data was collected from Globalnaya Navigazionnaya Sputunikovaya Sistema (GLONASS) a program of Russian space agency which offer its services on mobile app. The data was uploaded on google maps to draw an incidence map. Maximum disease incidence was observed in Kot Momin mainly, Chak No 21 S.B (32.16078, 73.02801) and Mela (32.16976, 73.13783). Citrus leaf miner showed maximum prevalence at Bhalwal mainly in Lilyani (32.21312, 72.94722). Except relative humidity, all environmental conditions were found significantly correlatedwith both disease incidence and citrus leaf miner population at all six localities. With every one unit increase in minimum and maximum temperature, rain and wind speed disease incidence and citrus leaf miner population also increased. Among chemicals, Streptomycine + Copper oxychloride @ 1 + 3g/L and match 50 EC were found most effective in controlling citrus canker and citrus leaf miner population as compared to control and all other chemicals.


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