Gradient analysis of urban landscape pattern (Case Study: Isfahan, Iran)

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Research Paper 01/06/2014
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Gradient analysis of urban landscape pattern (Case Study: Isfahan, Iran)

Zahra Mokhtari, Alireza Sofyanian, Seyed Jamaleddin Kajeddin, Hamid Reza Ziaee
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 6), 322-333, June 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Urban landscape is a heterogeneous mosaic of physical and biological patches. Quantifying the landscape pattern is required to assess and monitor economical, social and ecological functions of a city. This study has been developed by the expansion of the fields such as landscape ecology. In this study a combination of gradient analysis and landscape metrics were used to quantify Isfahan city`s landscape. Therefore the land use maps of 1386 was provided in six levels of manmade, agricultural, green space, barren , road and river. Two transects were directed toward north-south and east-west crossing city center to perform the gradient analysis. Moving window method was used to assess metrics along transects and those metrics were quantified in two levels of class and landscape. In total, the highest percentage of class and patch density and the largest patch index belongs to agricultural lands in Isfahan`s landscape and the mean size of barren and pastures` patches has the highest value. In addition to the change of different uses, the change in the values of different metrics was also observed. Patch density and margin density metrics increased toward city center. In general, the results showed that the mean size of patch is higher around transect`s margins and on the contrary, patch density and margin density are higher in city center. It can be understood that the values of patch density and margin density has increased with urbanization. This study showed that in addition to the change of uses, shape and density of patched have changed and they have a different trend in two transects.


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